Best B2B Lead Generation Strategies: Tools, Companies, Examples, and Websites.

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If you’re a B2B business, generating leads is one of your top priorities. But what makes lead generation so important, and how do you go about doing it effectively? Today, we’ll dive deep into the best B2B lead generation strategies, uncover the B2B lead generation tools and lead generation B2B companies that can help, and look at practical B2B lead generation examples to get you started. Let’s also explore B2B lead generation websites that bring real results!

What Is B2B Lead Generation?

best b2b lead generation strategies, B2B lead generation tools, Lead generation B2B companies, B2B lead generation examples, B2B lead generation websites.

B2B lead generation is the process of identifying and attracting potential customers (other businesses) to your products or services. Unlike B2C (business-to-consumer) strategies, B2B lead generation focuses on longer sales cycles and a more niche audience. In simple terms, it’s all about creating interest in your business to drive future sales opportunities.

Types of B2B Leads

1. Cold Leads: These are prospects who have had no prior interaction with your business but fit your target profile.

Example 1: A list of companies in your target industry that you’ve identified through market research but haven’t had any contact with.

Example 2: A company that recently opened a new location in your area and fits your ideal customer profile.

2. Warm Leads: They’ve shown interest in your offerings but haven’t committed yet.

Example 1: A company that has downloaded a whitepaper from your website but hasn’t contacted your sales team.

Example 2: A prospect that has attended a webinar hosted by your company but hasn’t taken any further action.

3. Hot Leads: These leads are ready to buy and just need a little push to make the decision.

Example 1: A prospect that has requested a demo of your product and is asking specific questions about pricing and features.

Example 2: A company that has indicated they are ready to make a purchase and is negotiating terms.

07 Best B2B Lead Generation Strategies

1. Content Marketing: Write blogs, create whitepapers, or develop videos that speak to the pain points of your audience. Use SEO tactics to rank higher and reach more businesses.

Example: A B2B software company creates a blog post titled “5 Ways to Improve Your Sales Team’s Productivity.” They use SEO keywords like “sales productivity” and “B2B software” to rank higher in search results.

2. SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Target long-tail keywords like “best B2B lead generation strategies” to attract a more specific audience.

Example: A marketing agency targets long-tail keywords like “best B2B marketing strategies for small businesses” to attract a more specific audience. They optimize their website content and meta descriptions to rank higher for these keywords.

3. Email Marketing: Create targeted email campaigns to nurture your leads over time. Personalized emails get the best results.

Example: A SaaS company sends a personalized email to a potential client who has visited their pricing page. The email highlights the unique features of the software that align with the client’s needs.

4. LinkedIn Outreach: LinkedIn is a goldmine for B2B leads. Build a strong network and reach out directly to decision-makers.

Example: A B2B sales representative uses LinkedIn to connect with decision-makers at companies in their target industry. They send personalized messages introducing themselves and their company.

5. Webinars and Virtual Events: Host industry-specific webinars to educate your audience and gather leads.

Example: A consulting firm hosts a webinar on “Building a Strong Company Culture.” They invite potential clients to attend and provide valuable insights in exchange for contact information.

6. Paid Advertising: Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads work wonders when targeting specific job roles or industries.

Example: A B2B software company runs a Google Ads campaign targeting the keyword “customer relationship management.” They create ad copy that highlights the benefits of their software and includes a clear call to action.

7. Networking: Sometimes, old-school networking at industry events can be your best bet for high-quality leads.

Example: A B2B sales representative attends a trade show in their industry. They connect with potential clients, exchange business cards, and follow up with them after the event.

B2B Lead Generation Tools

There’s a wide variety of tools available to help streamline your lead generation efforts. Here are some top picks:

  • HubSpot: Famous for its marketing, sales, and customer service platform.
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator: Perfect for connecting with potential leads on LinkedIn.
  • SEMrush: A comprehensive SEO tool that helps you discover new keywords and track your performance.
  • Leadfeeder: Identify companies visiting your website and turn anonymous traffic into sales leads.
  • Salesforce A popular CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform. While not solely focused on lead generation, Salesforce offers features that help manage leads within your sales pipeline, track interactions, and automate workflows.
  • ZoomInfo A database of B2B contacts and companies. ZoomInfo allows you to research potential leads, find decision-makers within target companies, and build targeted prospect lists.
  • Bombora A tool for identifying companies that are in-market for products or services. Bombora leverages website behavior and intent data to help you focus your outreach on companies actively researching solutions like yours.
  • Outreach A sales engagement platform for personalized outreach. Outreach helps automate and personalize email sequences, track engagement metrics, and streamline your communication with potential clients.
  • Pipedrive A visual sales CRM with lead management tools. Pipedrive offers a visual pipeline to manage your sales process and includes features for tracking leads, scheduling tasks, and collaborating with your sales team.

Lead Generation B2B Companies

If you’re not ready to handle lead generation internally, some companies specialize in helping businesses like yours. Here are a few:

  • CIENCE: Offers fully managed B2B lead generation services.
  • Belkins: Focuses on personalized email outreach.
  • UpLead: Provides B2B contact databases to help grow your pipeline.
  • Martal Group: Specializes in outbound lead generation for tech companies.

Top 100 B2B Companies List with Examples, Offerings, & Websites!

B2B Lead Generation Examples

Here’s how companies are using B2B lead generation strategies to boost their business:

  • Example 1: A software company uses content marketing by publishing case studies and whitepapers, helping them rank for relevant keywords and draw in high-quality leads.
  • Example 2: LinkedIn automation has allowed sales teams to automate outreach while still personalizing each message, leading to better engagement.
  • Example 3: Optimizing landing pages with compelling CTAs (calls to action) has helped companies convert cold traffic into potential leads.

B2B Lead Generation Websites

There are a few websites where you can actively generate and find B2B leads:

  • AngelList: Perfect for discovering startups and potential clients.
  • Crunchbase: Provides information on company data and funding that can be invaluable for targeting.
  • Great for finding and being found by companies in need of services.

Measuring Lead Generation Success

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Key metrics to track include:

1. Conversion Rate: Conversion rate is related to the percentage of leads that convert into actual customers.

Scenario: A company runs a social media ad campaign for a new product. They receive 1000 clicks and generate 50 leads.

Calculation: Conversion rate = (50 leads / 1000 clicks) * 100% = 5%

2. Cost per Lead: How much you spend on generating each lead.

Scenario: A company spends $2000 on a Google Ads campaign and generates 100 leads.

Calculation: CPL = $2000 / 100 leads = $20 per lead

3. Lead Quality: Not all leads are equal; measure the value each lead brings to your business.

Scenario: A company generates 100 leads through a webinar. They qualify these leads based on their job title, company size, and budget. 20 of these leads are deemed high-quality.

Calculation: Lead quality = 20 high-quality leads / 100 total leads = 20%


Lead generation plays a crucial role in the success of B2B business. By implementing the right strategies, using the best tools, and learning from top companies and examples, you can take your business to the next level. The key is consistent effort, tracking your results, and adjusting your strategies as needed.


1. What are B2B lead generation strategies?

B2B lead generation strategies are methods used to attract and convert businesses into potential clients.

2. What is the most effective B2B lead generation tool?

HubSpot and LinkedIn Sales Navigator are some of the most effective tools for B2B lead generation.

3. How do B2B companies generate leads?

B2B companies generate leads through various methods like SEO, content marketing, email campaigns, and networking.

4. What is an example of B2B lead generation?

A tech company hosting webinars and offering free demos to gather interested leads is an example of B2B lead generation.

5. How can I improve my B2B lead generation?

Focus on multi-channel approaches, optimize your content for SEO, and invest in automation tools to scale your efforts.


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