The Best 10 Free Script Writing Software of 2024

The Best 10 Free Script Writing Software of 2024

Welcome to the exciting world of free script writing software in 2024. Join me on an exhilarating journey as we unlock the potential of powerful tools designed to empower budding screenwriters worldwide. Together, we’ll break down the barriers inhibiting creativity and discover the art of accessible storytelling. Through my lens as a filmmaker, I’ll guide you to explore the boundless opportunities that await in the realm of script writing innovation.

1. Celtx As Free Script Writing Software:

Celtx goes beyond just screenwriting, offering production management tools as well. The free plan allows for scriptwriting with industry-standard formatting and basic collaboration features.


  • Scriptwriting: Celtx ensures your screenplay adheres to industry formatting standards. This includes proper scene headings, character dialogue, parenthetical actions, and more. No need to worry about manually adding line breaks or scene numbers.
  • Basic Collaboration: The free plan allows you to share your script with others for feedback. Collaborators can leave comments directly tied to specific lines of text, fostering clear communication.


  • Formatting for Industry Standards: Celtx takes the formatting burden off your shoulders. Focus on your story and characters, and the software does the technical aspects for a professional look.
  • Simple Script Sharing and Feedback: Celtx facilitates collaboration by allowing others to view and comment on your script. This is helpful for getting feedback from writing partners, directors, or beta readers.

2. WriterDuet:

Storytelling for Filmmaking Free Script Writing Software

Known for its collaborative capabilities, WriterDuet’s free plan lets you team up with other writers on your script. It also offers basic formatting and revision management.


  • Collaboration: This is the star of the show! Invite other writers to work on your script in real-time. See edits and changes as they happen, discuss them in a built-in chat, and keep everyone on the same page.
  • Basic Formatting: Write your script with industry-standard formatting for screenplays. This includes proper margins, character names, dialogue, scene headings, and parenthetical directions.
  • Revision Management: Track changes made to your script over time. See who made what edit and easily revert to previous versions if needed.
  • Limited Cloud Storage: The free plan offers a limited amount of storage space for your scripts.


  • Teaming Up: WriterDuet is ideal for writing partners or screenwriting groups. Work together seamlessly, bounce ideas off each other, and get immediate feedback on your scenes.
  • Script Development: Use revision management to track the evolution of your script. See how your story has changed and collaborate on improvements.
  • Getting Started with Screenwriting: The free plan offers a solid foundation for learning proper script formatting and writing techniques.

3. Fade In As Free Script Writing Software:

A favorite among professional screenwriters, Fade In offers a generous free trial with limited exports. This lets you experience the software’s advanced features like beat board integration and story notes.


  • Industry-Standard Formatting: Fade In automatically formats your script according to professional guidelines, ensuring proper margins, spacing, character names, scene headings, and other elements. This saves you time and ensures your script is ready for submission.
  • Beat Board Integration: A beat board is a visual tool that helps you map out the structure of your story. Fade In allows you to create and link beat boards to your script, making it easier to see the flow of your narrative and identify areas that need work.
  • Story Notes: Fade In lets you add notes directly to your script, keeping track of ideas, character development, or research references. These notes are not visible in the exported script, but are a valuable tool for the writing process.
  • Autocomplete: Fade In can automatically complete character names, locations, and other frequently used phrases as you type. This saves you time and helps to maintain consistency throughout your script.
  • Collaboration Tools (Limited in Free Trial): The paid version of Fade In allows for collaboration features, letting you share your script with others and receive feedback in real-time.


  • Scriptwriting for Film, TV, and Stage: Fade In is a versatile tool that can be used to write screenplays for feature films, television shows, and even stage plays.
  • Professional Screenwriters: The advanced features and industry-standard formatting make Fade In a popular choice among professional screenwriters.
  • Serious Amateur Writers: Even if you’re not a professional screenwriter, Fade In’s features can be helpful for anyone who wants to write a polished and formatted script.

4. Highland 2 As Free Script Writing Software:

Highland 2 is free and open-source software is lightweight and focuses on the core functionality of scriptwriting. It’s perfect for writers who prefer a distraction-free environment.


  • Free and open-source: You can download and use Highland 2 for free, and the source code is available for anyone to modify.
  • Lightweight: Highland 2 is a small program that doesn’t require a lot of computer resources to run.
  • Focuses on core scriptwriting functionality: Highland 2 includes the essential features you need for writing a screenplay, such as scene formatting, dialogue formatting, character names, and location labels.
  • Distraction-free environment: Highland 2 has a minimalist interface that helps you focus on your writing without getting bogged down by extra features.
  • Automatic formatting: Highland 2 automatically formats your script according to industry standards as you type. This saves you time and ensures that your script is professional-looking.
  • Scene navigation: Highland 2 allows you to easily jump between different scenes in your script.
  • Auto-completion: Highland 2 can auto-complete scene headings and character names as you type, which can save you time and effort.
  • Revision tracking: Highland 2 allows you to track changes you make to your script, which can be helpful for keeping track of edits and collaborating with others.
  • Exporting: You can export your Highland 2 script to a variety of formats, including PDF, Fountain, and Final Draft (.fdx).
  • Gender Analysis: Highland 2 is the first screenwriting app to include Gender Analysis, which can help you see how many lines your male and female characters have.


  • Scriptwriting for film, television, and plays: Highland 2 is a great choice for writers of all levels who are looking for a free and easy-to-use screenwriting program.
  • Creating formatted screenplays with industry standards: Highland 2 will automatically format your script according to industry standards, so you don’t have to worry about manually adding things like scene headings and parenthetical directions.
  • Organizing and outlining scripts: Highland 2 can be used to outline your script and keep track of your ideas.
  • Perfect for writers who prefer a minimalist interface: If you find that other screenwriting programs are too cluttered and distracting, Highland 2 is a great option for you.

5. Trelby:

From Pen to Screen Mastering the Art of Scriptwriting With 8 Tips by Ahmed Afridi (Filmmaker) Storytelling Local Culture Documentaries Storytelling for Filmmaking Free Script Writing Software

Another open-source option, Trelby offers a familiar interface for those comfortable with programs like Final Draft. It boasts helpful features like spell check and scene navigation.


  • Familiar Interface: If you’ve used Final Draft before, you’ll feel right at home with Trelby’s layout. This minimizes the learning curve and lets you focus on writing.
  • Automatic Formatting: Trelby takes care of the technical aspects of screenplay formatting, ensuring your script adheres to industry standards. This frees you from manually adjusting margins, spacing, and character names.
  • Spell Check: Built-in spell check helps you catch typos and grammatical errors, keeping your script polished.
  • Scene Navigation: Easily jump between scenes in your script with Trelby’s navigation tools. This is particularly helpful for editing and making sure your story flows smoothly.
  • Open-source: Being open-source means the code is freely available, allowing for customization and potential future feature additions by the community.


  • New Screenwriters: Trelby’s familiar interface and focus on core functionality make it a great choice for beginners getting started with screenwriting. You can learn the craft without getting bogged down by complex software features.
  • Experienced Writers on a Budget: If you’re a seasoned writer looking for a free alternative to paid software, Trelby offers a solid foundation for scriptwriting.
  • Writers Who Value Formatting Accuracy: Trelby’s automatic formatting ensures your script adheres to industry standards, making it a good option for writers who need to submit professional-looking work.

6. Google Docs/Microsoft Word/Pages:

Google Docs / Microsoft Word / Pages is not dedicated screenwriting software, these familiar word processors can be surprisingly useful for getting started. You can find free templates online that provide proper script formatting.


  • Free and Accessible: All three programs are readily available on most devices and come free with certain operating systems or online subscriptions.
  • Familiar Interface: If you’re already comfortable using these word processors, you won’t need to learn a new program.
  • Basic Formatting: You can adjust fonts, margins, and spacing to mimic screenplay formatting.
  • Collaboration: Google Docs allows real-time collaboration with other writers, making it useful for co-writing projects.


  • Script Drafting: These programs are great for getting your initial ideas down and writing your first draft.
  • Simple Formatting: You can set margins and line spacing to resemble a screenplay format.
  • Basic Scene Management: Use headers and page breaks to separate scenes.
  • Collaboration (Google Docs Only): If you’re co-writing with someone, Google Docs allows you to work on the script together in real-time.

7. Arc Studio Pro As Free Script Writing Software:

The free tier of Arc Studio Pro allows you to write two scripts with features like cloud syncing, revision history, and a digital whiteboard for brainstorming.


  • Two Script Capacity: The free tier allows you to write and manage up to two screenplays.
  • Cloud Syncing: This ensures your scripts are always accessible and backed up securely across your devices (desktop, mobile app, web app). No more worrying about losing your work.
  • Revision History: Track changes you’ve made to your script over time. This allows you to easily revert to previous drafts or compare different versions.
  • Digital Whiteboard: Brainstorm and organize your story ideas visually. Use the whiteboard to map out character arcs, plot points, and scene structure. This can be a great way to get your ideas flowing and see the bigger picture of your screenplay.


  1. Create an Account: Sign up for a free Arc Studio Pro account.
  2. Start a New Script: Choose the “Script” option and begin writing your screenplay. The software will automatically format your script according to industry standards.
  3. Utilize the Digital Whiteboard: Access the whiteboard to brainstorm ideas, create character profiles, or map out your plot. Drag and drop elements to visually organize your story.
  4. Track Revisions: Keep a record of changes with the revision history feature. This allows you to revisit earlier drafts or collaborate with others and see their edits. 5. Cloud Sync: Save your work and access it from any device with an internet connection. This ensures your scripts are always up-to-date and readily available.

8. Kit Scenarist

7. Arc Studio Pro As Free Script Writing Software:

Kit Scenarist is free and open-source software boasts a unique advantage: it’s available in multiple languages. It offers basic scriptwriting functionality with scene management and formatting tools.


  • Free and Open-Source: Kit Scenarist is completely free to use and its source code is available for public modification.
  • Multilingual Support: Unlike many screenwriting programs, Kit Scenarist boasts support for multiple languages, allowing you to write in your native tongue.
  • Scene Management: Organize your screenplay with tools to create, manage, and reorder scenes.
  • Formatting Tools: Write with confidence knowing Kit Scenarist will handle proper script formatting according to industry standards.
  • Character & Location Management: Create profiles for your characters and locations, including descriptions and images for reference.
  • Research Module: Keep all your research materials organized within the software, including notes, story documents, mind maps, and web links.
  • Card System: This unique feature allows you to visualize your story structure by laying out scenes on a virtual “cardboard” which can be rearranged and reordered.
  • Script Statistics: Gain insights into your script’s length (word count, pages, estimated runtime) and analyze character dialogue activity throughout the story.
  • Cloud Storage (Optional): While not built-in, Kit Scenarist allows you to connect to cloud storage services like Dropbox to keep your projects accessible across devices.


  • Ideal for Beginners: Kit Scenarist’s free and user-friendly interface makes it a great choice for aspiring screenwriters who are getting started.
  • Multilingual Writers: If you write in a language other than English, Kit Scenarist is a valuable option that caters to international screenwriters.
  • Basic Script Formatting: For those who need a program to handle the technical aspects of formatting while they focus on the creative writing, Kit Scenarist offers a good solution.
  • Story Structuring: The card system allows for a visual approach to story structure, helpful for planning and rearranging scenes.
  • Research & Organization: Keep all your ideas, notes, and reference materials organized within the Kit Scenarist software for a streamlined workflow.

9. StudioBinder:

While the free plan is limited to one project at a time, StudioBinder offers helpful project management tools alongside basic screenwriting functionality.

Basic Screenwriting Functionality:

  • Script Import: Upload your script in industry-standard formats like Final Draft.
  • Formatting: Maintain proper script formatting with tools for scene headings, dialogue, parenthetical actions, and more.
  • Scene Management: Reorder scenes with a drag-and-drop interface for easy plot restructuring.

10. Boords:

Film Making by Ahmed Afridi Short films Storytelling techniques Scripts Storytelling for Filmmaking Free Script Writing Software

Boords is free storyboarding software can be a valuable companion to your scriptwriting process. It allows you to visually map out your scenes and story flow.


  • Visual Storyboarding: Boords allows you to create a storyboard by adding images or using their drawing tools to represent each scene in your script. This visual representation helps you:
    • Plan your shots: Think about camera angles, framing, and movement within each scene.
    • Visualize pacing: Storyboarding helps identify if a scene feels too long or needs more detail.
    • Identify plot holes: Seeing the story visually can reveal gaps in logic or flow.
  • Collaboration: Boords allows real-time collaboration, so you can share your storyboard with other writers, directors, or producers for feedback.
  • AI Storyboard Generation (Paid Feature): This feature takes your script excerpt and generates storyboard frames using AI, which can be a great starting point, especially for those without artistic skills.


By using Boords alongside your scriptwriting software, you can:

  • Develop your Scenes: Before diving into detailed dialogue, storyboard each scene to brainstorm visuals and ensure it contributes to the overall story.
  • Identify Pacing Issues: If a scene feels clunky in the storyboard, it’s likely clunky in the script. Use Boords to identify areas needing revision.
  • Communicate your Vision: A storyboard can be a powerful tool for conveying your ideas to collaborators. It provides a visual reference point for discussions.


In the realm of free script writing software in 2024, writers are spoilt for choice with versatile tools catering to various needs. From collaborative powerhouses like WriterDuet to distraction-free environments in Highland 2, and visual aids in Boords, there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re a beginner seeking simplicity or a professional craving advanced features, these tools empower writers to unleash their creativity without financial constraints. Explore, write, collaborate, and bring your stories to life with these innovative platforms!


1. Which free script writing software is best for collaboration?

WriterDuet shines in collaboration with real-time editing, chat features, and revision management, making it ideal for writing partners and groups.

2. I’m a beginner in screenwriting. Which software should I start with?

Trelby’s familiar interface, automatic formatting, spell check, and scene navigation make it a great choice for beginners.

3. Are there any free script writing software options for professional screenwriters?

Fade In stands out for professional screenwriters with advanced features like beat board integration, story notes, autocomplete, and industry-standard formatting.

4. Can I visualize my script’s scenes visually?

Yes, Boords offers visual storyboarding features that help you plan shots, visualize pacing, identify plot holes, and collaborate with others for feedback.

5. Which software is best for distraction-free writing?

Highland 2 provides a distraction-free environment with automatic formatting, revision tracking, scene navigation, and gender analysis features.


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