
Send a photo of your Scrabble board and the AI will suggest the best moves to win the game. The service is multilingual and offers an API


 Digital employees specialising in sales, content creation and design. Ideal for maximising your company’s productivity

 Image Animator (PIA)

 Create realistic animations from AI-generated images. This tool faithfully preserves the style, details and instructions of your prompt

 Easily remix your AI-generated images directly from your smartphone. Available on Google Play and the App Store 


Transform a UI screenshot into perfectly working code for Flutter software. Speeds up your application development process


 A high-resolution text-to-video AI that produces more realistic and fluid movements. AI designed by researchers at Stanford University

 100DaysOfAI Challenge

 Challenge yourself: learn all about AI with tailored daily lessons. Lessons are free and last no longer than 30 minutes

TextFX by Google

 A set of 10 writing tools specialising in creative content. The site works using Google’s PaLM 2 model 

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